How to conduct research based on a master’s thesis

How to conduct research based on a master’s thesis

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How to conduct research based on a master’s thesis

How to conduct research based on a master’s thesis

Preparing research derived from a master’s thesis is a process that requires planning and high precision to provide distinguished and useful research work. This type of research is an opportunity for students who want to expand their knowledge and contribute to the field they are studying.

In this article, we will discuss how to prepare research taken from a master’s thesis step by step, and we will touch on its concept and importance, in addition to the analysis and results that can be reached. We will explain all of this in our article today, and we begin first by defining what is the concept of research taken from a master’s thesis.

What is meant by the research extracted from a master’s thesis?

The research derived from the master’s thesis is an experimental or academic study conducted by the student researcher after completing the master’s degree. This type of research aims to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in a specific field by solving a problem or exploiting a real opportunity faced by the industry or society.

The research derived from the master’s thesis is characterized by the fact that it contains an experimental study or case study that includes the collection of concrete data and statistical analysis of it. It is based on scientific methodology in dealing with the problem and analyzing data to reach reliable and applicable results. It is an opportunity for the student to demonstrate his abilities in analysis, interpretation and application of knowledge in A specific field and can contribute to the scientific, technological and economic development of society.

Reasons for conducting research drawn from a master’s thesis

Complete the search

Researchers may wish to supplement, expand, or improve the research researched in their master’s thesis with more data or analyses. Master’s theses are a rich source of information and data on specific topics, and the researcher can use this information to build a deeper understanding of his or her topic. He can also use the data found in Master's theses to conduct new analyses.
Explore new topics

Researchers may discover new topics or developments in their field of study after completing a master’s thesis, and would like to explore and analyze them more deeply. Master’s theses introduce new ideas that have not been fully explored, and the researcher can expand the scope of these ideas by conducting research drawn from a master’s thesis, and contributes This is to develop knowledge in the field of research.
Contribution to the field

The goal of researchers can be to contribute to the academic or industrial field through research that addresses important issues or provides solutions to specific problems. Master’s theses are also a rich source of information and data on specific topics. The researcher can use this information to build a deeper understanding of his topic, and he can also use existing data. in master's theses to conduct new analyses.
Increase research experience

Conducting research derived from a master’s thesis is an opportunity to increase researchers’ experience in the field of academic research and develop research and analysis skills. Writing gives the researcher the opportunity to apply his research skills, and learn how to analyze data, interpret results, and write a research report. These skills help the researcher in his academic and professional career.
Acquiring academic qualifications

Completing research derived from a master’s thesis is considered an important part of an academic researcher’s path and can contribute to enhancing their academic and professional qualifications. Master’s theses are an important source for documenting knowledge in a specific field. The researcher can contribute to documenting knowledge by writing the derived research, as this helps to Disseminating scientific knowledge and facilitating access to it.
Completing doctoral studies

Some doctoral programs may require conducting research or study complementary to the research completed in the master’s thesis, so completing an extracted research may be necessary to complete the postgraduate course. In some universities, students can obtain a certificate after writing a research taken from a master’s thesis, as this certificate is Evidence of the student’s mastery of scientific research skills.
The importance of preparing research derived from a master’s thesis

Its importance is not limited to completing the requirements of academic study, but rather goes beyond that to meet the needs of society and industry. This type of research is based on the theoretical and scientific knowledge that the student possesses, and requires him to apply this knowledge to solve a problem or benefit from a specific opportunity facing the industrial field or society.

Research also contributes to the development of knowledge and technology in the field it addresses, and seeks to find innovative solutions to existing challenges and problems. Research can also support the decision-making process and administrative and political decision-making based on scientific information and data.

In addition, the research derived from the master’s thesis contributes to developing the skills of scientific research, analysis, and scientific communication, as it requires the student researcher to be able to choose the appropriate methodology, organize the collection process, analyze data, and interpret the results.

In addition, the conducted research gives the student researcher the opportunity to learn more about the tools and techniques used in his field, and supports his ability to think critically, innovate, and make sound decisions.

How to conduct research based on a master’s thesis

After you have set the research objectives derived from your master’s thesis and reviewed previous literature and studies, the next step in preparing the research is collecting the necessary data. You must determine the appropriate sources and methods for collecting data that will help you achieve your research objectives.

Sources used to collect data may include interviews, questionnaires, or secondary data extracted from previous reports and studies. Choose sources that match the nature of your research and provide you with the required information.

After collecting the data, comes the step of analyzing and interpreting it. You must use appropriate tools and techniques to analyze the data and extract valuable information from it. It can be tools used in statistical analysis, or programs specialized in data analysis.

After completing the analysis and interpretation of the data, you must write the resulting research in an organized manner. Organize the research according to its appropriate structure and add the required chapters and sections. Use punctuation marks such as brackets and appropriate marks to highlight the important information.

After writing the resulting research, analyze the data and its conclusions in an accurate and logical manner. Present the research results and conclusions you reached based on the analysis you conducted of the data.

In the conclusion, reaffirm the importance of the research conducted and what it can contribute to the development of knowledge and science. Review the closing remarks and make recommendations for future research that can benefit from the results of your research. Below we will explain the writing steps in some detail.

Analyze the problem and set goals

To begin preparing research based on your master’s thesis, you must first analyze the problem you wish to study and understand its dimensions. You must analyze the problem carefully to determine the aspects that need research and determine the goals you want to achieve through the research.

Analyzing the problem requires a deep understanding of the context in which the problem is located and determining the target audience for the research. You must ask about the causes of the problem, its impact, and its importance in the field you are studying.

After analyzing the problem, the next step comes, which is setting research objectives. You must clearly define the objectives that you want to achieve through research. Research objectives can be to confirm theories, add new knowledge, or prove certain hypotheses. Objectives must be measurable and verifiable in End of search.

When setting research objectives, they must be precisely and clearly formulated and measurement criteria must be determined to achieve them. It is preferable to use smart objectives (SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVABLE, RELEVANT, TIME-BOUND) to ensure that the research is carried out accurately and effectively. Achieving research objectives is an important goal for the success of research and achieving the desired results.

Review of literature and previous studies

Reviewing literature and previous studies is an important step in preparing research derived from a master’s thesis. This review helps in absorbing the existing knowledge in the field you are studying and understanding the research that has been done in this field before. The review contributes to directing the current research and identifying the strengths and weaknesses that need to be taken into account. in consedration.

To effectively review literature and previous studies, the research concepts and key terms related to them must be defined, and previous research that discusses the topic raised in the current research must be searched for and carefully analyzed. A database of scientific research and scientific articles reviewed by experts in the field can be used.

The previous research and literature review enhances the feasibility of the current research and serves to identify gaps in knowledge that the current research can fill. Through this review, expected findings can be developed and an appropriate methodology for data collection can be directed.

When reviewing previous literature and studies, you must follow the approved scientific methods and document the sources used in the review. The literature and studies can be organized in the form of a table that includes the titles of the research, the authors, the methodology used, and the results reached. This facilitates tracking the reviewed research and benefiting from it in developing the current research.

Data collection

Data collection is an important step in preparing research derived from a master’s thesis. Data collection requires the use of multiple sources and various methods to obtain the information you need to conduct the necessary study. You may need to develop questionnaires, personal interviews, analyze documents, or conduct practical experiments depending on the type of research you are conducting. with it.

First, identify appropriate sources to obtain the required data. These sources can include scientific articles, books, previous studies, government reports, conference abstracts, statistical data, and newspaper articles. Carefully evaluate these sources to ensure their reliability and validity for your research.

Second, determine the methods you will use to collect data. You may need to develop a questionnaire or form to collect information from a specific sample of participants. You may also need to conduct personal interviews with experts in the field or use document analysis to extract the available information.

Third, collect and organize data in a meaningful way. Create a database to store the data. Examine the collected data to verify its validity and completeness. You can use available computer tools to analyze the data and draw conclusions.

Finally, develop a plan to evaluate the data and ensure the validity of the results drawn from it. Verify that the collected data matches your research objectives, and compare it to previous literature and the theoretical framework. You may also need to consult experts in the field to verify the validity of the data analysis.

Analyze and interpret collected data

After collecting the available data, it is the role of analyzing and interpreting this data to reach reliable results and know the extent to which the objectives set in the research have been achieved. The process of analyzing the data must be careful and accurate to extract important information and answer the research questions.

A variety of methods and techniques can be used to analyze the collected data. These may include statistical methods such as differential analysis, factor analysis, and configural analysis. Text analysis or content analysis techniques may also be used to standardize and classify the collected data.

After analyzing the data, the researcher must interpret the results and clarify the resulting meanings and concepts. Comparison between the collected data and previous literature can be used to interpret the results and draw conclusions. The interpretation must be logical and supported by evidence to ensure the credibility of the results.

In the end, the collected results and research conclusions must be summarized clearly and concisely. The results can be presented using tables or graphs to make them easier to understand and read. After that, general conclusions can be drawn from the research conducted and the extent to which the objectives have been achieved and the research questions answered can be known.

Writing the extracted research

When you have completed the data collection stage, it is now your turn to write the resulting research. At this stage, you must be able to organize and build the research correctly and systematically.

First, you should organize the research you have collected logically and coordinate it in a smooth manner. It is preferable for the research to include multiple chapters and specific sections, such as the introduction, problem, objectives, methodology, results, conclusions, and scientific references used.

Second, the research must be supported by references, solid evidence, and sources, and you must be able to organize these references properly and in accordance with approved scientific style (such as APA or MLA).

Third, the research must be written in precise and systematic scientific language, avoiding the use of colloquial language or non-scientific dialects.

Finally, before finalizing your manuscript, you should review it and make sure that it includes all the important information and that it is written clearly and concisely.

Organizing and building the acquired research

When you write the research drawn from a master’s thesis, you must keep in mind organizing and building the research in a systematic and logical manner, as the importance of formatting a research drawn from a master’s thesis is that it helps deliver the information in a smooth and understandable way to the reader and facilitates understanding of the ideas and concepts that you want to communicate, and to organize In the following search, you must consider the following:

Divide the research into chapters and sections

You can divide the research into main chapters such as introduction, problem, objectives, methodology, results, conclusions, and scientific references used, and then you can divide these chapters into subsections under each chapter.
Define the sequence of information

You should organize information sequentially by importance and chronology, and there should be a clear order of the concepts and ideas you want to communicate.
Use headings and guiding phrases

Use headings and guiding phrases to indicate subtopics and clarify the main ideas in each chapter and section. This helps the reader follow the research in an easy and organized manner.
Use tables and bullet points

You can use tables and bullet points to organize information neatly and simply, you can use tables to present numerical data in an easy-to-read way, and you use bullet points to illustrate the main points or sub-items in each section.
Use prominent, italic, and bold fonts

Use prominent, italic, and bold fonts to highlight key concepts and important words in the paper. This helps the reader make it easier to read and understand the information.
Add chapters and sections

One of the basic steps in organizing the research is adding chapters and sections. You can divide the research into main chapters and subsections to organize the information more appropriately and better. These chapters and sections give structure and order to the research and contribute to clarifying the most important points and the general idea of each part of the research.
When you organize and structure the published manuscript, be sure to provide a smooth relationship between chapters and sections and provide a smooth flow of information. You should also review and edit the manuscript to ensure proper organization and smooth presentation.

Analysis and results

Analysis and results represent an important part of the process of preparing research based on a master’s thesis. After collecting data, the researcher should analyze it carefully and systematically. The analysis aims to extract important information and impressions from the collected data.

Analysis involves many steps, such as classifying data according to different variables and interpreting it based on the specific objectives of the research. Various analysis tools can be used to better understand the data, such as descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and factor analysis. Analysis must be done in precise and transparent ways, and must be based on standards. And the concepts adopted in the academic field.

After completing the analysis, the researcher can conclude the results of the research. The researcher must interpret the data in detail, showing the main relationships and observations that were discovered. The results should show conclusions related to the original objectives of the research and reflect recommendations or new conclusions that can be reached.

Analysis and results are the crucial stage in master's research, as they reflect the success and effectiveness of the research and the researcher's ability to correctly interpret the data and show the results in a logical and convincing manner. The results must be consistent, reliable and based on careful analysis of the collected data.

Interpretation and analysis of collected data

After collecting the data, the next step in preparing a research drawn from the master’s thesis is the interpretation and analysis of the collected data. In this step, the researcher carefully and systematically examines and analyzes the collected data. The analysis aims to extract important information and answer the research questions specified in the study.

To achieve this, the data is classified according to different variables and analyzed using different analytical tools. Descriptive statistics can be used to accurately describe the data and analyze correlations to explore relationships between different variables. In addition, factor analysis can also be used to analyze the structure of relationships between variables.

When interpreting and analyzing data, it should be done accurately and transparently. The researcher should explain the key observations and relationships discovered and present them logically. The results should reflect conclusions related to the original objectives of the research and new recommendations can be reached.

Analysis and interpretation of the collected data is a crucial stage in the research process, as it contributes to understanding and clarifying the results and recommendations of the study in an accurate and convincing manner. The analysis and interpretation aims to achieve the ultimate goal of the research and clarify the value of the study and its contribution to the scientific field.

Results and conclusions of the research conducted

After analyzing the collected data, an important step in the research derived from the master’s thesis comes, which is the presentation of the results and their conclusions. The presentation of the results aims to clarify the information and knowledge obtained from the research and present it in a systematic and appropriate manner.

Results are typically presented using tables, graphs, figures, and important statistics. The presentation must be accurate, detailed, and precise, with results organized according to different variables and interpreted proactively.

Based on the results presented, the results can be deduced and analyzed in a logical and understandable way. This is done by comparing the expected and expected results and making decisions for the future based on the discovered results. The conclusions must be based on the knowledge gained from the collected data and supported by appropriate evidence and references.

It is important that the research conclusions be based on the specific objectives of the study and directed towards improving future work and the contribution of the research to the scientific field. The results and conclusions should be carefully documented in the resulting research to ensure transparency and credibility.

Don't forget to be realistic in your thesis otherwise, do not over-interpret the results, be accurate and objective in presenting the data and your conclusions and rely on knowledge and data-based results.


It is important to mention that research is not just an academic duty, but rather an opportunity to shed light on a specific problem and provide new information and knowledge in the field. Research is also aimed at directing future studies and improving scientific practices and work in the field.

I hope that this guide has helped you understand how to prepare a research paper based on your master’s thesis. I wish you success in your research and reaching valuable results and contributions to the scientific field.

If you encounter difficulty in doing research based on a master’s thesis, we can provide assistance to you, as we at the My Research Academy provide various student services to academic researchers, with the aim of helping them prepare scientific research or master’s studies in business administration, with the highest level of quality and professionalism.